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The Data Hub provides an API for accessing Shapes and Data Layer information/values.

Shape geometries

Returns the shapes specifed shapes known to the system with ther geometries.

URL: api/shapes/geometry

shape_id or shape_typexInt|StringReturns a single shape in the case of shape_id or all shapes of the given type in shape_type. On of the two must be supplied.
formatStringOne of geojson, gpkg, shp, csv. geojson is default.

Processed data

Returns the processed data for the given Data Layer.

URL: /api/datalayers/data/

datalayer_id or datalayer_keyxInt|StringOne of datalayer_id or datalayer_key is required, if both are given datalayer_id is used.
shape_typeStringString of an avilable Shape Type. If not given all types are returned.
start_dateStringInclusive starting date of the data, conforming to the Data Layer temporal type, i.e. yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd
end_dateStringInclusive end date of the data, conforming to the Data Layer temporal type, i.e. yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd
formatStringOne of csv, excel, json. json is default.

Available Data Layers

Returns the available Data Layer specifications.

URL: api/datalayers/datalayer

formatStringOne of csv, excel. csv is default.